"We offer no cures – we treat and heal no one. We simply share information, developed by Dr. Ann Wigmore, and many dr's around the world about how raw living juice and foods can detoxicfy and how a healthy lifestyle can benefit everyone, and how the body often can help to cures itself with a proper diet. The law in the United Kingdom and Europe states that only qualified doctors may diagnose, treat and cure any ailment or disease. ZanteZest aims to inform and educate clients only. Any information given should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The Detox & Exercise programme offered at ZanteZest does not claim to diagnose, treat, prescribe, overcome or cure any disease or ailment. Those clients with severe chronic illness must seek advice from a qualified health professional or GP. It is beyond the scope of ZanteZest to provide care or advice for any specific illness, symptom, or condition. Instead, the aim of ZanteZest is to educate you in key aspects of overall health creation, and in particular the concepts of healthful living in mind body and soul and helping to prevent unwanted illnesses or disease."